Come and join us
Studies: We have meetings all year round in which the Spirits’ Book by Allan Kardec is read, studied and discussed as a tool for self-realisation and self-improvement. Thereafter, a short talk is given by a member of the group or by an invited speaker on various Spiritist subjects. This is then followed by a short talk on a theme from the Gospel according to Spiritism, highlighting the relevance of Jesus’ teachings in our daily lives. This serves as a preparation for the spiritual healing that follows.
Newcomers Welcome: While we meet on Thursdays, from 6:45 to 8:15 pm, the centre actually opens at 6:00 pm. There is always someone to welcome you at the entrance and they can answer any questions you may have and direct you to the right group within the centre. We host study groups in English and in Portuguese, plus we have a supervised group for young children and for youth so that parents are free to study and develop themselves spiritually. These are all in different rooms so please ask when you arrive to be directed to the right room.
Healing: This is the final part of the public meeting and is entirely optional. We would encourage anyone new to our centre to be open to receive healing. This does not entail any physical contact and is a transfusion of spiritual energies from the spiritual dimension by the laying on of hands over the head of the individual receiving healing.
Spiritual Guidance: We always have at least one or two highly experienced members of the centre who are available to listen and offer spiritual support from a Spiritist perspective on the challenges and problems that we all face during our lives.
Lending Library/ Bookshop: We have a bookstore, with a number of books for sale, and a lending library of used books available for loan, free of charge.